Dusky Imaginatorium. It's the feeling you get upon walking into a library full of books. It's the smell of well worn pages or of a brand new story anxiously waiting to be read. The smell of knowledge, the creative spirit, the never ending flow of ceaseless words all coming together to create a single, living, breathing entity. At the crux of it all, it's the books we read, the movies we watch, and the places we dream of. It's the world in which I live, breathe, and dream. There are the times where a good book will engulf me so completely that I need a reminder to come up for air. The movies that I deem as perfect are ones that stay in mind long after the credits roll.
So I've dedicated this year to a year of reading with the occasional movie thrown in. I used to be the girl who'd walk through the halls with her nose in a book, somehow maneuvering through all the people. Snow days were made for a cup of hot chocolate and a good book or three. Once university came, my reward for finishing finals was a Caramel Macchiato at Starbucks and a book. For me, it was the perfect ending to a hard quarter and well earned grades.
There's always been the reading phases where I wasn't too in tuned to picking up a book and instead of finishing one in a week, it took me a month. But things are going to change. Starting at the end of the month, a list will appear of the best and worst books of month that I've dived into. I realize that my credentials are very limited. I do not write for the New York Times, I'm not a part of any review committee for any publisher but I read . . .a lot and I write . . . a lot. So therefore, I feel that I have some reason to state my opinion on the matter.
Perhaps it will be of no consequence what I have to say but I'd like think that someone, somewhere, may look over the list and find something of interest to pick up. In doing so, maybe, just maybe they will discover the true meaning behind "dusky imaginatorium".