It doesn't surprise me that on the Fourth of July, no fireworks were set off in England and people did not take the day off to host BBQ's and celebrate the United States' rebellion from the mother country. The only celebration that broke out occurred when Brazil won their World Cup game on Friday. Other than that, it was a normal Friday in the UK.
But as the week goes on, our schedule continues to stay busy as we are only a week away from heading out to Paris to perform and bring the gospel to people on the streets. Our music tracks are completed and now it's rehearsal time. We have three tracks we wrote together that we will be performing and then we also have some covers to workup as well. We've spent many hours in the church in Notting Hill practicing within tracks of music, visual art, film, and fashion.
But as we've been working, God keeps on reminding me that I am not able to do any of this in my own strength. If I try, I fail. There are mornings where I wake up exhausted because I haven't gotten a ton of sleep or I'm just frustrated that I didn't get the song perfect the first time through. But if that's my focus, I miss the point. I miss that I'm here to learn, grow, and rest in God's love. I'm here to learn how to worship him and go deeper in my relationship with God. I feel blessed to spend the mornings in worship before we launch into practice time. Nothing is better than focusing our efforts back to where they need to be and that reminder that everything we do is for the glory of God. If I try to make it through on my own, I really will end up exhausted and not be productive at all. We are all here to use the gifts, talents, and passions that God has given us back to him in an act of praise and worship. How freeing it is that we can turn the focus back to God, give him everything and watch as he strengthens us. It's turned into an amazing week of growth and surrender the things that hold me captive and have begun to experience true freedom in him.
Among the track time and some great teaching from different speakers, we've continued to go to Soho. We were not able to go last Friday but the previous Friday we had another interesting time of conversations. We met one guy who was excited that we were Christians because he said Christians are always happy. But he had a problem with Jesus being the only way, the only truth, and the only life but we still had a great conversation with him. We also met a lady who was an atheist because she had been a religious education teacher. She didn't believe before she taught the class and she certainly didn't believe after. She said there were too many other cool religions to just pick one. It saddens my heart that some people can see the difference that God makes but they aren't willing to take that surrender and other people are so closed off to it that they can't see truth. But again, seeds were planted and from there, God can work and do what he needs to do.
Side note, on the tourist front, one of my friends and I headed into Hyde Park last weekend and I was finally able to see the Peter Pan Statue in Kensington Gardens. I know it sounds super silly but it was on my bucket list while I was here. We also saw the Princess Diana Memorial as well. One of the incredible things about London is all of the parks that are dotted throughout the city. Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park is so perfectly gorgeous and wonderful. There is also a park just a two minute walk away from our house and on the days that it is not pouring down rain (which honestly has been quite a few) it's a wonderful place just to hang out or do devotionals in the morning.
This summer has been incredible so far. It's been a month and God has been molding, shaping, and creating moments that blow my mind almost daily. As we are about to head on Outreach, I know God has big things planned. I'm excited to see what he does and how he works through all of us for his glory. Would love prayer as we head out for God to really move in the people that we come in contact with and also for us as team, that we grow closer to God and each other.